• The Problem of Multiple Projects at Once

    Some of you may know the problem: You have million of ideas at once in your head and to be honest you would like to work on all of them. We always have ideas but what is an idea if you don’t work on it to become reality? But please don’t start working on all of your ideas at once this will only lead to bad results. Working on too many different projects will lead to a lack of focus. A lack of focus will lead to a lack of results. Without any results you will show no real progress – at least not as much progress as would otherwise be possible.

  • The Poké Hype

    The hype about Pokemon GO in the international press, in social networks, and in the word of mouth is slowly declining. We still see hundreds of Pokémon Go players hanging around in the Central Park in New York and other popular public places all around the world. Who ever thought that this kind of hype is possible?

  • The Wake-Up Run

    Right now it is roughly 2 or 3 months ago since I started a wake-up run habit every morning. I was tired nearly every morning and the first thing I did was to brew a coffee. I decided that this needs to end and since that day I am running every morning. I called this habit my wake-up run.

  • From a Joke in Silicon Valley to $25.5 Billion

    “In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” Dalai Lama

    Entrepreneurs from around the globe seem to base their strategies differently than most business books and business schools teach us. It seems that successful entrepreneurs craft their strategies based on their own mental thoughts, their own intuition, their judgment, wisdom, and experience rather than on strategy-formulation theories you can find in numerous business books.

  • The Vigorous Euro

    The last months were new to the European Union and the IMF. Elusive new: closed banks, capital controls, the first IMF default by a developed country, the deficit of a multi-billion-euro bailout, a referendum about creditors’ restructuring plan, discussions about a Grexit, and the penury of the Greek people.
