Even though I finished my research in late 2017, I did not feel the urge to share my research results with the world until recently – in mid of 2022. Back in 2017, the world and the economy was doing fine. While some people mentioned an overdue recession stock prices kept rising and rising. From 2017 to 2020 all kinds of growth stocks outperformed value stocks significantly. Even Berkshire Hathaway struggled to keep on par with the S&P 500. Back then, it was a better time to publish a shiny new book on how to get rich with the next great technology stock. It was not the right time to publish a book on a value dividend strategy which is most useful after a stock market crashed. For a short time, I thought that the emergence of the Coronavirus and the declared pandemic stopped the never ending growth of the stock markets. But just 2 months in, the stock markets bounced back impressively. Retrospectively, no wonder with massive amounts of helicopter money and consumer savings reaching all time heights. But the root causes of many problems weren’t resolved. Politicians and central banks continued making the same mistakes, again, again, and again. Now, during the last quarter of 2022 and possibly in the first two quarters of 2023, I expect we will see the straw that breaks the camel’s back. We see the perfect storm coming.
All in all, I wrote this book because I believe that – especially during these chaotic and highly inflationary times – you as an investor should have access to all ideas which help you outperform the market and possibly regain some losses you might have suffered.
I don’t want you to blindly adapt and copy the Value Dividend Strategy.
What worked in the past is no guarantee to work in the future as well. This is why I tried to give you a broad overview of the changed economic and geopolitical environment in 2022 – with all major risks, but also opportunities, I see ahead of us. I believe it is crucially important to adapt the Value Dividend Strategy to our changed macroeconomic and geopolitical circumstances.
Only by combining what worked in the past and adapting it to our changed macroeconomic circumstances, we have a chance to do well in the crazy times we find ourselves in.
Please use the Value Dividend Strategy as a stimulus, as an idea, which helps you improve your portfolio.
I wish you and your family all the luck of the world. Let us all navigate successfully through this economic crisis. We see each other on the other side!
P.S.: If you liked this book – which is the first book I’ve ever written – and think that the Value Dividend Strategy is valuable and helpful for you to create a better and more resilient value portfolio, please – from the bottom of my heart – do me one favor and review this book and share it with a friend or colleague. It helps me tremendously spread the word and help more people benefit from a Value Dividend investment approach. Thank you!
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